Jason Friedman

A list of publications including citation counts can also be found on Google scholar, Web of Science, ORCID, or cris.

Refereed Journal papers


Geller, N., Moringen, A., & Friedman, J. (2023). Learning juggling by gradually increasing difficulty vs. learning the complete skill results in different learning patterns. Front Psychol, 14, 1284053.
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Mimouni-Bloch, A., Shaklai, S., Levin, M., Ingber, M., Karolitsky, T., Grunbaum, S., et al. (2023). Developmental and acquired brain injury have opposite effects on finger coordination in children. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 17, 1083304.
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Friedman, J., Amiaz, A., & Korman, M. (2022). The online and offline effects of changing movement timing variability during training on a finger-opposition task. Sci Rep, 12(1), 13319.
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Prushansky, T., Kaplan-Gadasi, L., & Friedman, J. (2022). The relationship between thoracic posture and ultrasound echo intensity of muscles spanning this region in healthy men and women. Physiother Theory Pract, , 1–9.
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Swissa, Y., Hacohen, S., Friedman, J., & Frenkel-Toledo, S. (2022). Sensorimotor performance after high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary somatosensory or motor cortices in men versus women. Sci Rep, 12, 11117.
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Thorpe, A., Friedman, J., Evans, S., Nesbitt, K., & Eidels, A. (2022). Mouse Movement Trajectories as an Indicator of Cognitive Workload. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 38(15), 1464–1479.
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Bezalel, G., Nachoum Arad, G., Plotnik, M., & Friedman, J. (2021). Voluntary step execution in patients with knee osteoarthritis: Symptomatic vs. non-symptomatic legs. Gait Posture, 83, 60–66.
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Cantergi, D., Awasthi, B., & Friedman, J. (2021). Moving objects by imagination? Amount of finger movement and pendulum length determine success in the Chevreul pendulum illusion. Human Movement Science, 80, 102879.
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Krasovsky, T., Keren-Capelovitch, T., Friedman, J., & Weiss, P. L. (2021). Self-feeding kinematics in an ecological setting: typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 29, 1462–1469.
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Lerner, O., Friedman, J., & Frenkel-Toledo, S. (2021). The effect of high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation intensity on motor performance in healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial. J NeuroEngineering Rehabil, 18, 103.
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Steinhart, S., Weiss, P. L., & Friedman, J. (2021). Proximal and distal movement patterns during a graphomotor task in typically developing children and children with handwriting problems. J Neuroeng Rehabil, 18(1), 178.
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Kaufman-Cohen, Y., Levanon, Y., Friedman, J., Yaniv, Y., & Portnoy, S. (2020). Home exercise in the dart-throwing motion plane after distal radius fractures: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Hand Therapy, .
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Krasovsky, T., Weiss, P. L., Zuckerman, O., Bar, A., Keren-Capelovitch, T., & Friedman, J. (2020). DataSpoon: Validation of an Instrumented Spoon for Assessment of Self-Feeding. Sensors (Basel), 20(7).
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Salzer, Y., & Friedman, J. (2020). Reaching trajectories unravel modality-dependent temporal dynamics of the automatic process in the Simon task: a model-based approach. Psychol Res, 84(6), 1700–1713.
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Zacks, O., & Friedman, J. (2020). Analogies can speed up the motor learning process. Sci Rep, 10(1), 6932.
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Dempsey-Jones, H., Wesselink, D. B., Friedman, J., & Makin, T. R. (2019). Organized Toe Maps in Extreme Foot Users. Cell Reports, 28(11), 2748–2756.e4.
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Ezrati, O., Friedman, J., & Dar, R. (2019). Attenuation of access to internal states in high obsessive-compulsive individuals might increase susceptibility to false feedback: Evidence from a visuo-motor hand-reaching task. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 65, 101445.
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Frenkel-Toledo, S., Yamanaka, J., Friedman, J., Feldman, A. G., & Levin, M. F. (2019). Referent control of anticipatory grip force during reaching in stroke: an experimental and modeling study. Exp Brain Res, 237(7), 1655–1672.
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Friedman, J., & Korman, M. (2019). Observation of an expert model induces a skilled movement coordination pattern in a single session of intermittent practice. Sci Rep, 9(1), 4609.
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Friedman, J., Raveh, E., Weiss, T., Itkin, S., Niv, D., Hani, M., et al. (2019). Applying Incongruent Visual-Tactile Stimuli during Object Transfer with Vibro-Tactile Feedback (Vol. 147).
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Kaufman-Cohen, Y., Portnoy, S., Levanon, Y., & Friedman, J. (2019). Does Object Height Affect the Dart Throwing Motion Angle during Seated Activities of Daily Living? J Mot Behav, , 1–10.
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Kaufman-Cohen, Y., Friedman, J., Levanon, Y., Jacobi, G., Doron, N., & Portnoy, S. (2018). Wrist Plane of Motion and Range During Daily Activities. Am J Occup Ther, 72(6), 1–10.
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Portnoy, S., Mimouni-Bloch, A., Rosenberg, L., Offek, H., Berman, T., Kochavi, M., et al. (2018). Graphical Product Quality and Muscle Activity in Children With Mild Disabilities Drawing on a Horizontally or Vertically Oriented Tablet. Am J Occup Ther, 72(6), 1–7.
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Raveh, E., Friedman, J., & Portnoy, S. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of adding vibrotactile feedback to myoelectric prosthesis users on performance and visual attention in a dual-task paradigm. Clin Rehabil, 99(11), 2263–2270.
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Raveh, E., Friedman, J., & Portnoy, S. (2018). Visuomotor behaviors and performance in a dual-task paradigm with and without vibrotactile feedback when using a myoelectric controlled hand. Assistive Technology, 30, 274–280.
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Raveh, E., Portnoy, S., & Friedman, J. (2018). Adding vibrotactile feedback to a myoelectric-controlled hand improves performance when online visual feedback is disturbed. Hum Mov Sci, 58, 32–40.
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Raveh, E., Portnoy, S., & Friedman, J. (2018). Myoelectric Prosthesis Users Improve Performance Time and Accuracy Using Vibrotactile Feedback When Visual Feedback Is Disturbed. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 99(11), 2263–2270.
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Noy, L., Weiser, N., & Friedman, J. (2017). Synchrony in Joint Action Is Directed by Each Participant's Motor Control System. Front. Psychol., 8, 531.
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Shaklai, S., Mimouni-Bloch, A., Levin, M., & Friedman, J. (2017). Development of finger force coordination in children. Experimental Brain Research, 235(12), 3709–3720.
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Awasthi, B., Williams, M. A., & Friedman, J. (2016). Examining the role of red background in magnocellular contribution to face perception. PeerJ, 4, e1617.
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Friedman, J., & Korman, M. (2016). Offline Optimization of the Relative Timing of Movements in a Sequence Is Blocked by Retroactive Behavioral Interference. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 10, 623.
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Noy, L., Alon, U., & Friedman, J. (2015). Corrective jitter motion shows similar individual frequencies for the arm and the finger. Exp Brain Res, 233(4), 1307–1320.
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Portnoy, S., Rosenberg, L., Alazraki, T., Elyakim, E., & Friedman, J. (2015). Differences in Muscle Activity Patterns and Graphical Product Quality in Children Copying and Tracing Activities on Horizontal or Vertical Surfaces. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 25(3), 540�547.
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Zopf, R., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. A. (2015). The plausibility of visual information for hand ownership modulates multisensory synchrony perception. Experimental Brain Research, 233(8), 2311–2321.
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Park, J., Pazin, N., Friedman, J., Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Latash, M. L. (2014). Mechanical properties of the human hand digits: Age-related differences. Clinical Biomechanics, 29(2), 129–137.
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Awasthi, B., Sowman, P. F., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. A. (2013). Distinct spatial scale sensitivities for early categorisation of Faces and Places: Neuromagnetic and Behavioural Findings. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(91).
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Friedman, J., Brown, S., & Finkbeiner, M. (2013). Linking cognitive and reaching trajectories via intermittent movement control. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 57(3-4), 140–151.
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Awasthi, B., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. A. (2012). Reach Trajectories Reveal Delayed Processing of Low Spatial Frequency Faces in Developmental Prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(2), 120–130.
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Friedman, J., & Korman, M. (2012). Kinematic Strategies Underlying Improvement in the Acquisition of a Sequential Finger Task with Self-Generated vs. Cued Repetition Training. PLoS One, 7(12), e52063.
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Awasthi, B., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. (2011). Faster, stronger, lateralized: Low spatial frequency information supports face processing. Neuropsychologia, 49(13), 3583–3590.
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Awasthi, B., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. A. (2011). Processing of low spatial frequency faces at periphery in choice reaching tasks. Neuropsychologia, 49(7), 2136–2141.
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Finkbeiner, M., & Friedman, J. (2011). The flexibility of nonconsciously deployed cognitive processes: Evidence from masked congruence priming. PLoS ONE, 6(2), e17095.
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Friedman, J., Latash, M. L., & Zatsiorsky, V. M. (2011). Directional variability of the isometric force vector produced by the hand in multi-joint planar tasks. Journal of Motor Behavior, 43(6), 451–463.
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Nahab, F., Kundu, P., Gallea, C., Kakareka, J., Pursley, R., Pohida, T., et al. (2011). The neural processes underlying self-agency. Cerebral Cortex, 21(1), 48–55.
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Zopf, R., Truong, S., Finkbeiner, M., Friedman, J., & Williams, M. A. (2011). Viewing and feeling touch modulates hand position for reaching. Neuropsychologia, 49(5), 1287–1293.
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Kapur, S., Friedman, J., Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Latash, M. L. (2010). Finger interaction in a three-dimensional pressing task. Experimental Brain Research, 203(1), 101–118.
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Latash, M. L., Friedman, J., Kim, S.W., Feldman, A.G., Zatsiorsky, V.M. (2010). Prehension Synergies and Control with Referent Hand Configurations. Exp Brain Res, 202(1), 213–229.
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Friedman, J., & Flash, T. (2009). Trajectory of the index finger during grasping. Exp Brain Res, 196(4), 497–509.
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Friedman, J., Latash, M. L., & Zatsiorsky, V. M. (2009). Prehension synergies: a study of digit force adjustments to the continuously varied load force exerted on a partially constrained hand-held object. Exp Brain Res, 197(1), 1–13.
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Friedman, J., SKM, V., Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Latash, M. L. (2009). The sources of two components of variance: an example of multifinger cyclic force production tasks at different frequencies. Exp Brain Res, 196(2), 263–277.
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Friedman, J., & Flash, T. (2007). Task-dependent selection of grasp kinematics and stiffness in human object manipulation. Cortex, 43(3), 444–460.
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Liebermann, D. G., Biess, A., Friedman, J., Gielen, C. C. A. M., & Flash, T. (2006). Intrinsic joint kinematic planning. I: reassessing the Listing's law constraint in the control of three-dimensional arm movements. Exp Brain Res, 171(2), 139–154.
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Features of Human Grasping - PhD thesis
The Planning of Three Dimensional Fully Extended Arm Pointing Movements - M.Sc thesis

Book chapters

AZ Zivotofsky, A Bercovich, J Friedman, E Kelman, E Shinhertz, and T Flash.
The effect of the duncker visual illusion on occluded smooth-arm tracking.
In Advances in Understanding Mechanisms and Treatment of Infantile Forms of Nystagmus, New York, USA, 2008. Oxford University Press.

Selected conference presentations

J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Optimal selection of arm movements during evidence accumulation.
In Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2011.
J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Optimal selection of arm movements during evidence accumulation.
In Compuational Motor Control Workshop, Ben Gurion University, Israel, 2011.
J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Decomposition of hand trajectories to quantify evidence accumulation.
In Australasian Mathematical Psychology Conference, University of Melbourne, Victoria, 2011.
J. Friedman.
Submovement decomposition of hand movements for quantifying user intent.
In HCSNet Workshop on Natural User Interfaces: Multitouch and Gestural Interactions, RMIT University, Melbourne, 2010.
J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Temporal dynamics of decision making revealed through the submovement decomposition of hand trajectories.
In Australasian Mathematical Psychology Conference, Margaret River, Western Australia, 2010.
J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Temporal dynamics of decision making revealed through the submovement decomposition of hand trajectories.
In ANS AuPS Sensorimotor Control Satellite Meeting, Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia, 2010.
J. Friedman, L. Noy, and T. Flash.
Quantifying the quality of reconstruction of hand posture using a data glove.
In HCSNet Workshop on Movement and Motion Capture, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2009.
J. Friedman and M. Finkbeiner.
Temporal dynamics of masked congruence priming: evidence from reaching trajectories.
In 9th Conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2010.
J. Friedman, M. Latash, and V. Zatsiorsky.
Control and variability of isometric forces generated by the arm.
In Computational Motor Control Workshop, Ben Gurion University, Israel, June 2009.
J. Friedman, M. Latash, and V. Zatsiorsky.
Grasping a handle with constant external torque and variable load.
In North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 2008.
J. Friedman, M. Latash, and V. Zatsiorsky.
Patterns of finger force-sharing when grasping a handle with a variable load and constant external torque..
In Computational Motor Control Workshop, Ben Gurion University, Israel, June 2008.
J. Friedman, M. Latash, and V. Zatsiorsky.
Patterns of finger force-sharing when grasping a handle with a variable load and constant external torque..
In Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Naples, Florida, April 2008.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Selection of optimal grasps for object manipulation.
In Neuroscience 2006: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Geogria, October 2006.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Optimal grasps for object manipulation.
In Annual meeting of Israel Society for Neuroscience, Eilat, Israel, December 2005.
G Kowadlo, J Friedman, and T Flash.
Predicting grasp inertia with a geometric model.
In Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sydney, Australia, 2005.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Task-dependent grasp selection during human object manipulation.
In Progress in Motor Control, Pennsylvania State University, USA, August 2005.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Features of human object manipulation.
In Computational Motor Control Workshop, Ben Gurion University, Israel, May 2005.
S Berman, J Friedman, and T Flash.
Object-action abstraction for teleoperation.
In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Hawaii, 2005.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Features of human object manipulation.
In French-Israeli Binational Neurosciences Meeting, Ma'aleh Hachamisha, Israel, November 2004.
J. Friedman and T. Flash.
Strategies for the generation of fully extended three dimensional pointing movements.
In Three-Dimensional Sensory and Motor Space, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, April 2003.